Mastodon Visualization Decision Making Laboratory

Global Good Studio (COGS 214)

Global Good Studio is a project-based graduate-level course with the goal of using data science to enact positive change in the world. At the beginning of the course, students will work in groups to identify issues impacting the world and will work backward to develop skills and knowledge to move the needle on the problems they've identified. At the end of the course, students will have produced 1-3 portfolio level projects (depending on the scope of the projects) and a communication plan for disseminating their work. Projects may include collaborations with industry and agency partners.

Skill development may include:
  • data analytics and analysis
  • web scraping
  • data visualization
  • web development
  • community outreach and organization
  • media development
  • open science practices
  • grant writing
  • HCI research methods

Course learning objectives: 1) Students will learn how to develop and apply their training in data science to address large-scale problems. 2) Students will develop critical discourse skills needed to be an engaged scientific community member. 3) Students will develop approaches for communicating science to the global population. 4) Students will learn modern project development practices utilized in industry. Students from all disciplines are welcome.
Universities Space Research Association (USRA)